10 Must Chrome Extension for Digital Marketing

I love Chrome extensions. They can make your life a lot easier, especially as a marketer. And you know what? If you are a digital marketer you must use these extensions. These chrome extensions will save you hours of work and help you get your results faster.

So let’s dive right in and go into the chrome extensions that I love using on a regular daily basis.

chrome extension tools

10 Must Chrome Extension for Digital Marketing

Chrome tool extension for content

#1 Grammarly

The first extension that I love using is Grammarly. Grammarly is a one-stop-shop tool for marketers & content creators. This tool helps you to perfect your writing and grammar skills.

I have terrible grammar, so what do I use? Grammarly, it’s so much cheaper than paying an editor. It tells me all the errors and what I need to fix and it’s much better than the spelling correction within Microsoft Word.

And it’s free, so check it out, use it and whenever you write articles, even if it’s in WordPress, there’ll be a little green Grammarly icon and it tells you if there are any errors within your content that you need to fix.

That way when you publish more content and get that traffic from Google, it’ll tell you if something is wrong. It does the same when you’re doing your posts on LinkedIn or Facebook or any other social site.

So as marketers, you can make sure you’re publishing spelling and grammar-free information and text on all these sites.

#2 Buzzsumo

The second extension that I love is Buzzsumo. It’s a tool that shows you a detailed breakdown of how content pieces and topics perform online.

The extension does the same thing, but just in fewer clicks. This allows you to visit any page and see instant performance metrics.

This allows you to create a real-time content strategy or brainstorm content topic ideation. 

Chrome tool extension for content

#3 Keyword Surfer

One of my favorite extensions is Keyword Surfer. Keyword Surfer.

It doesn’t give you all the data, but it still tells you the volume for global, or your country and it tells you other related keywords that you could be going after as well.

Now it also provides domain estimated traffic so that way you know what’s the traffic to each domain and it shows you backlinks for each URL that’s ranking at the top.

#4 MozBar

The next extension that I love, MozBar. It’s a valuable tool that allows you to see how popular your competitors are.

MozBar allows you to run a quick SEO overview on any page that you’re on or pages listed in the SERPs.

It takes a look at on-site content, social media engagement, technical SEO, backlinks, domain authority, and even page authority.

#5 SimilarWeb

The next extension that I love, SimilarWeb. This tool takes all the traffic sources into account during a site analysis so you can get more than basic SEO information.

It allows you to look much deeper into engagement metrics such as traffic, time on site, bounce rates, and much more.

What’s more, it allows you to see a company’s target audience demographic and the amount of money that they spend on paid content.

#6 Redirect Path

The next extension is Redirect Path. This tool is much more than a just broken link checker. It also helps you find other technical issues on your site. 

If you run into any errors, you’ll see a red notification like this. Once it’s fixed, it’ll change to green so you know that you’re good to go.

Your site could be dropping in ranking due to some redirect issues you have on your site without you even knowing that it exists.

But this extension will help you spot and fix it.

#7 Google PageSpeed

The next extension is Google PageSpeed. We all know that page speed is a huge ranking factor. But, if you have a slow page speed time yours will bounce right away and your rankings will suffer. 

This extension lets you see how fast your site is loading with a single click. Not only that but it also gives you suggestions on how to fix the page speeds. Another plus is, this tool works well for both desktop and mobile page speeds. 

#8 SEO META in 1 Click

The next extension, SEO META in 1 Click. This extension shows detail for any website on any one of these four categories, headers such as each H1, H2, H3 tag, images such as how many are on a page, the alt tags and titles,

links, the total number of internal and external links, and last but not least, social data such as a Facebook open graph, and Twitter information on the page as well.

Another extension is the Majestic backlink analyzer. We all know how much of a pain it can be to build backlinks, but the Majestic backlink analyzer

can help you with this with ease. The tool lets you find out the total quantity and quality of the backlinks that point to any given page.

Chrome tool extension for E-mail Marketing

#9 Hunter.io

Hunter’s Chrome extension lets you immediately find the email addresses behind the websites you’re browsing. This tool extension is useful to find out quick contact with the person or team behind the website.

#10 Boomerang

Now, for email marketing, one extension that you got to use is Boomerang. Since the beginning of email marketing, marketers have always wanted to know the perfect time to send their emails and Boomerang is the answer.

Because the last thing you want to do is send an email at the wrong time so that way when someone loads up their inbox you’re the email at the bottom because no one’s going to go down that far.

The cool thing about Boomerang is, not only does it show you the right time, but it allows you to also schedule the emails at the right time.

I hope you will start using the 10 Must Chrome Extension given here for your Digital Marketing journey. 


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