3 Ways to use Instagram for your Business

You can use Instagram. People think Instagram is just for watching reels and photos and all other stuff. 

But actually, Instagram is a business engine. It is a very legitimate way

to build an audience, build your tribe, and promote your business.

I didn’t believe in it. I didn’t buy it. I was wrong. I always say, as I always say, never underestimate how wrong you can be.

Well, I was wrong. It was a mistake. It’s something that I wish I had done earlier.

So today, I wanna give you at least like three ways that you can do that starting today, what you can do right now.

3 ways to use Instagram for business

3 Ways to use Instagram for your Business

#1 Branding

Now, you think about on YouTube when making videos, you can talk about your product and services, and what you do, but when it comes to Instagram, It is a very quick snapshot way of telling your story.

And it’s like almost storytelling visually in that you can share your message.

You can share your passion. You can share your product and services through images, and when you go to someone’s Instagram page, quickly, you can scroll through and you will get a good idea of what this brand is about, and what this person is about.

And you don’t need to hard sell your products and services. People will get comfortable. Oh, this is interesting, right?

Yeah. So branding, branding is nothing more than your reputation.

You’re building an online reputation through Instagram.

So that’s way number one.

#2 Instagram stories

Instagram stories is a 24-hour post in a portrait format that you could use as photos or you can do videos.

Videos, you know, personally, work a lot better because then it lets your audience connect with you. 

And they’re not long stories. We’re not talking about like an hour story.

How long are they? 15-second chunks. That’s how people consume the content, right?

Instagram stories are powerful to promote a business.  

#3 Leverage your highlights section

You should leverage your highlight section. Highlight is basically when you take a story that you used, especially if you’ve done a promotion

or you’ve told people to swipe up, it’s an evergreen way of getting people

to be able to access that pitch or that story or whatever you did on the main feed.

You can create an icon strip it is like graphics, a little icon and you can create a number of them. 

It is very powerful. Suppose one story is working it is generating leads and sales for you. But as it is in the stories section it disappears in hours. 

But if it is placed in highlights it remains their only. It’s like you have a proven marketing piece or proven marketing message that you could use again and again and again.

This is how you can use your instagram for generating business and creating leads.

Share your story in comment section? How you use your instagram account for generating busienss? 

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