On Page SEO Guide 2024

On Page SEO – On-page SEO is the optimization applied on the web pages for improving search engine ranking. It is one of the important elements of SEO. On-page SEO is done at a content level as well as code level.

On Page SEO and Off Page SEO are two most popular SEO techniques. In this post, we will discuss On-page SEO.

I am sure you would be interested in knowing more about On page SEO. So, let’s get started.

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On Page SEO Guide 2024

What is On-page SEO?

On-page SEO is a technique of optimizing your web page content for increasing search engine ranking and growing organic traffic. This includes optimizing content by adding content description, defining keywords, adding images, tags and implementing other things for increasing website visibility.

Why On-page SEO is important?

On-page SEO is extremely important for search engines. It is feeding to the google crawler. Whenever you type your search query to search engine, google check the keyword into the database and find out relevant content. Google and other search engines use keywords, meta description, header, title, and content present on the page.

If on-page SEO is not done properly, indexing of page will not take place properly and the page will not be shown while a search is taking place. This means it is important to focus on On-page SEO.

If you are planning to do SEO on your page here are 10 Important factors you must consider.

Important Aspects About On-page SEO

Unique and Useful Content

The first important aspects of on-page SEO is unique and useful content. You have to produce unique content which is useful for the reader. The minimum word count should be 500-600. The higher the word count better are chance to get higher ranking.

Keyword Placement & Frequency

Keyword Placement and frequency is another important thing to consider. You should place your keyword in the starting of the article or at the most in the first paragraph. Additionally, your entire content should be keyword rich. The usage of keyword helps google to understand what your page is about. The optimum usage helps in increasing webpage ranking.

Title Tag

Your webpage Title decide relevancy of your page. The Title tag will be shown ad clickable link when search engine shows your page. It is recommended to include keyword into title tag. It is recommended to use unique title tag. Missing, duplicate and poorly written title tag can negatively impact on your SEO.

Meta Description

Meta Description means page description. Meta description plays important role for on-page SEO. Description is displayed below title tag. Good description attracts end user and helps to increase click through rate. It will also improve perception the way people look at your website.

Image Alt Text

You should include at least one image on your page. The image should be relevant and matching with your content. You need to mention Alt text along with image. Alt text help google and other search engine to find out image topic. It is recommended to use keyword tag as a part of image alt text.

Internal and external linking is another important factor for on-page SEO. You should include internal as well as external link on your website. It is known as link building. It will surely boost your web traffic as well helps in ranking higher.

Header Tags

Header Tag means tag marked with H1 and H2. You should keep your heading under H1 Tag. You can include your sub heading as H2, H3, H4 etc. Header helps in dividing sections into logical segments. It improves readability and focus on the content.

URL Structure

As per me, URL structure is utmost important when it comes to SEO. Make sure your URL contains identified keyword. You should not make URL too long or too short. You should avoid using joining words in the URL such as “and”, “or” etc.

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