Ahrefs All in One SEO Tool – Guide on Ahrefs SEO Tool

Ahrefs is the most powerful All in One SEO Tool.

Most bloggers believe that Ahrefs is a backlink audit tool that competes with Moz Pro and other backlink tools. However, Ahrefs is a complete SEO package that provides site audit, link building, keyword research, content explorer, and rank tracker features.
You can use Ahrefs for growing your website traffic. Here is a complete guide on – How to use Ahrefs for SEO?

ahref seo guide

Ahrefs SEO Tool – Key Features

The main feature of Ahrefs is Site Explorer. In the site explorer, you need to enter the URL for which you want to fetch the data.

Ahrefs fetches all data by running a crawler. You will get all backlink data along with anchor text, backlink count, referring domain, Inbound links, Top referring content, broken link, organic keyword, and organic search detail. In short, you will get a plethora of information on the dashboard of Ahrefs.

Under the site explorer, you will get the Inbound link. Inbound links mean links pointing from another website to your website. Higher the number of inbound links from trusted websites means more organic traffic. You will get complete information about inbound links on the dashboard of this tool.

You will also get top content. The top content section allows you to see the top URL that is getting more traffic on your website. It also allows you to do sorting by links, weightage, etc.

Under Top referring content, you will see which URL is linking your site the most. You can drill down and explore more details.

#2 Analyze Competitor for Keywords

Analyze Competitors for Keywords

It is very important to do a competitor analysis for improving SEO and organic traffic. Ahrefs provide the option to Analyze competitors. To analyze competitors first find out desired keywords in organic search. Once you have found a keyword input the same in Ahrefs Keywords Explorer. Now, look at the SERP overview to see the ranking.

You will find the top URL with competitor’s detail with Domain Rating.

#3 Rank Tracker 

Rank Tracker allows you to monitor your rankings over the period and graph your performance against competitors. It gives visual insights into your SEO performance.

You can select the time and also check ranking, average position, traffic volume, keyword, and tag details.

You can also sort your keyword list with filters and tags. Rank Tracker also contains a competitor section where you will get various reports on the ranking process, search traffic, and SERP features.

#4 Site Audit 

Ahrefs provides the classic feature of Site Audit. It is a relatively new feature where you will get an exhaustive website analysis.

The site audit crawls all the pages on your website and finds out SEO-related issues. It provides overall SEO health. The tool points out the exact SEO issue and provides recommendations on how to fix them. You will get reports on performance, HTML tags, Social tags, content quality, incoming links, outgoing links, etc.

#5 Content Explorer 

Content Explorer feature allows you to discover and analyze top-performing content in your niche. This tool research over several pages and find out the most popular content in terms of organic traffic, domain rating, social share, traffic value, etc.

How to use Ahrefs for improving SEO of your website?

As I told you before Ahrefs is a powerful SEO tool. You can make use of Ahrefs for improving the SEO of your website. Here is Ahrefs guide for improving SEO.

#1 Improve SEO by Modifying Title Tag & Keywords

The title tag is important for SEO. You can modify the title tag and improve ranking as well as CTR (Click Through Rate).

To rank higher on the search engine you need to write a title tag & Keywords that people are searching for.
Here is How you can do that using Ahrefs.

Open-domain Site Explorer and visit Organic keyword report. Enter your domain into Site Explorer and find out keyword ranking and title detail on the report. The report will show all the keywords
your site is ranking for.

Now you need to apply the Position filter to find out pages ranking positions 1 to 10. Once you get the result try to evaluate the difference in keyword and title between ranking positions 1 and 10.

Modify the Title tag and keyword for the pages which are not ranking high.

Try to use a long-tail keyword that is more compelling. Try to include brackets in the title to improve readability.

#2 Improve Page Speed of high ranking pages

Page speed is very important for SEO. Google has already declared that page speed is an important parameter to decide the ranking of the site.

You can make use of Ahrefs for finding out high-ranking pages.

To find out about high-ranking pages’ use site explorer. In the site explorer, you will see the sites that are receiving higher traffic and ranking high.

Open Site Explorer and Enter your domain name. Visit Top Pages you will get a list of high-ranking pages.


Once you find high-ranking pages’ visit speed testing tools such as GtMatrix or Google PageSpeed Insights. Analyze the speed of URLs which is fetching higher traffic on your website. Make use of the following tips to improve the page speed of your website.

  • Install page caching plugins such as WPRoket or W3 Total Cache.
  • Reduce image size used on the page. Configure lazy loading on your website for improving speed.
  • Reduce the number of HTTP requests and Javascript files loading on the page.

You can perform a link audit using the Ahref tool. You will find detailed information about sites linking to your site.

A high-quality link is important for SEO. If your site pages are linked with low-quality links your site is likely to get punished by the search engine.

Try to build a link with high-quality websites and remove linking with low-quality websites.

#4 Find out low-quality low traffic Content 

Use Ahrefs tool to find out low quality, low traffic content. Open Ahref’s Content Explorer tool.

You will find the various filter. Locate the date filter and find out content which is older than 3 years. Also, find content where the word count is less than 1000. You can call these articles low-quality low traffic content.

You need to analyze such articles and improve their quality.

#5 Boosting SEO by Internal Linking  

Internal Linking helps a lot in boosting SEO and page ranking. Internal links pass on page authority to other pages on your website.

This means adding a link to the high authority pages helps a lot in boosting performance in the organic search.
To find out right page to link to your website use the Site Explorer tool for Aherfs.

Visit Site Explorer and enter your domain. Go to Top pages and filter out for positions.

Note down these pages and start adding links of these pages to other pages where you want to improve your ranking.
Do not overdo this it may affect your ranking. Make sure to limit internal linking to less than 60 links per page.

Over to you

In short, Ahrefs is a wonderful tool that helps with SEO and increasing the ranking of your website on search engines.

I have used this tool and it works fine.

I would recommend this tool for improving the SEO of your website.

Happy Blogging!

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