6 Proven ways to Increase your Blog Traffic

Increasing traffic to blog is essential today. As you are reading this post I assume that you have already setup you blog and you are looking for increasing traffic to your blog. If you have started you blog recently please be patient as running a successful blog takes lot of time, energy and passion. In this post I will be sharing details about how to increase traffic to your blog?

increase blog traffic

6 Proven ways to Increase your Blog Traffic

#1 Blog Design & Content

Blog design and content play vital role in traffic generation. Your blog design should be user friendly. Your site must be easy to navigate without involving complexity. User should able to reach to useful content in maximum two clicks. Your blog design should not contain more images. Images used should complement content. Font size should be proper providing easy readability.

Your website design should be mobile friendly or in other word responsive in nature. Web site should automatically fit to screen size. This will surely help in increasing traffic from mobile users.

Content is another major factor which plays crucial role in generation of traffic to blog. Content of blog should be to the point and easy to understand. Content should be updated at regular interval. Post size should be greater than 300 words. Avoid lengthy post. Remember content is king.

Best traffic is repeat traffic your blog should be made in manner that user like to visit your blog again and again.

#2 Page Loading Speed

Page loading speed is second factor that can help for traffic generation. People wants faster access to information. Your page loading speed should be maximum 3 second. It is observed that 50% people leave the site in 3 second if they don’t find any useful information.

Page loading speed will be high if you use high graphics and video content. Apart from this it is generally observed that blogger used number of plugins which make site very slow. It is recommended to use less number of plugins on your blog.

To check page speed of your website you can use tool like pingdom or gtmetrix.

#3 Social Networking

Social networking is another technique used widely to increase traffic to blog. Being a blogger you should be active on social networking sites. Recommended social networking site where you must be active are facebook, twitter, google plus, pinterest and linkdein. Create facebook fan page and google business page for your blog.

Apart from this it is recommended to use social sharing plugin at your post, so that user can share useful content on social networking site.

#4 Commenting and Guest posting

You can increase traffic to blog by means of using commenting and guest posting technique. In order to increase traffic by using this technique you need to identify blog in your niche with high traffic and conversion rate.

You can plan to do guest posting providing link to your blog or you can post useful comments to post with link and attract visitor to your blog.

#5 SEO & Sitemap

Best way to increase traffic to blog is by using SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Although you are writing content for your reader you should make sure you are taking utmost care about SEO. SEO factor that affect ranking is described below:-

Title Keyword & Description: – You must place number of relevant keyword for your post. Search Engine usually finds your content by using algorithm where keywords play unique role.

Your website should contain sitemap. Sitemap gives idea to search engine crawler about pages and content navigation. You can use free XML site map generator website to generate sitemap.

Apart from this multiple other SEO factors affects search engine ranking and traffic to blog. I will discuss all SEO factors in my next post.

#6 Advertising

Option that will cost you money for generation for traffic is advertising. You can use this proven option to generate traffic. Google adsense and facebook ads are best options for advertising about your blog.

 Hope above proven method will help you in increasing traffic to blog.

Do you use different methods to increase traffic to your blog? If yes do share with us.

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